At this age of time mostly everyone is facing the problem of Obesity. And we use many types of tips and tricks to get over from Obesity. But sad thing is that we not get the fine results. So, today we will tell you about "Tips To Get Rid Off fat".
1.Stay away from food like sugar or calorie.
2. Change your eating habbits and eat according to tghe time tabel and maintaing your daily routien.

3. You can lose weight by walking every day. So, try to walk more and more everyday.
4. Park your car at distance in Parking. So that you get used to walking a bit and taking more of stairs rather than lift.

Eating Tips:
5. Always try to eat almonds at the place of unwanted things this have monosaturated fat which help in making muscels fibers from your body fat.

6. Watermelon is the best fruit far reducing fat from Belly. In studies found that watermelon juice reduces too much fat from body.

7. Beans not reduces too much fat but after eating you feel heavy. So, you can not eat anything mich and beans helps in formation of fiber cells.

8. In pineapple the enzyme called Bromalin is found which helps in the flat of the stomach.

9. Lemon is the best thing to reduce fat because it contain Vitamin C and dietery fiber.

-: Include Lemon in Diet.
-: Use Lemons in Salads.
-: Take lemon juice in the morning.
-: Intake lemon Tea.
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